Why Sponsor NASCAR?October 22, 2012
The value of NASCAR sponsorships in terms of loyalty and activation opportunities.
Helping People DiscoverOctober 19, 2012
The power of Facebook in creating awareness, as illustrated by Fab's digital ad strategy.
Super Bowl Ads WorkMay 14, 2012
Evidence that Super Bowl ads are effective, as demonstrated by GoDaddy's success.
After the SlashMarch 14, 2012
The power of Facebook in advertising and its impact on Google.
Going NativeNovember 28, 2011
The future of internet marketing and the role of big platforms in shaping native advertising models.
Being a Market LeaderNovember 19, 2011
The role of market leaders in building categories and the influence of brands as publishers.
Serendipity: Business Model EditionNovember 15, 2011
Exploring Twitter's potential as a business model and advertising platform based on exposing users to new and unexpected content.
Designers versus UsersOctober 31, 2011
Designers work on large screens while users view the web on smaller displays.