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February, 2014

One More Note on Why Brands Aren't Going Anywhere

Why brands remain important in the age of better information and how car brands maintain their value.
Yesterday I posted a few points in response to James Surowiecki's New Yorker piece on the role of brand's in a world of better information. I made a specific distinction between research-heavy products like cars and a product like soap or toothpaste, which people generally choose on brand alone. On Twitter someone asked whether that meant car brands are actually less valuable in this new world and I thought it was worth answering here as well as on Twitter.

First, the answer is no, they're not less valuable even though research does even the playing field to some extent. But there are two important points about how people buy cars that need to be addressed. First, people generally choose out of a subset. If you want a "luxury" car you're choosing between a BMW, Audi, or Mercedes. You don't get to that point without brand. If you're Kia right now, you're advertising the hell out of your new car because you want to be in that decision set. While your ultimate decision may be purely on product merits (though it's likely not), you have eliminated 99% of the other car options off brand alone.

Second, just want to reshare something I wrote a few months ago. This argument about brands is part of a larger anti-brand argument that's best categorized by the quote "advertising is the tax you pay for being unremarkable." Back in August I explained all the reasons this isn't true and they still apply here.
February 11, 2014
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.