You have arrived at the web home of Noah Brier. This is mostly an archive of over a decade of blogging and other writing. You can read more about me or get in touch. If you want more recent writing of mine, most of that is at my BrXnd marketing x AI newsletter and Why Is This Interesting?, a daily email for the intellectually omnivorous.
I write a lot. I started my career as a journalist before becoming an entrepreneur and have kept in the habit of writing reasonably steadily since. I have probably put out around 5,000 words a week for the last few years between various projects. I’ve been asked how we handle content creation at Variance a few times, and I thought it was worth putting together a few of my thoughts on how to ramp up your writing as a founder.
Finally, particularly if you’re a founder, think of writing as the sand that fills in the gaps of your big goals. While we all hope to stay 100% focused on the big tasks in front of us, sometimes you just need a bit of breathing room. Once you’ve gotten a coffee or watched a YouTube video or whatever you do to unwind, think about picking up one of the ideas in your spark file if you’re not quite ready to dive back into the big task. I suspect you’ll both find it easier to do, and it will help you get into a better, more focused place to take on the more significant strategic questions with which you’re likely grappling.
I really like this advice from mathematician Terence Tao:
There will of course be times when one is too frustrated, fatigued, or otherwise not motivated to work on one’s current project. This is perfectly normal, and trying to force oneself to keep at that project can become counterproductive after a while. I find that it helps to have a number of smaller projects (or perhaps some non-mathematical errands) to have at hand when I am unwilling for whatever reason to work on my major projects; conversely, if I get bored with these smaller tasks, I can often convince myself to then tackle one of my bigger ones.
Of course, the reason to do all this is that content is still one of the very best ways to both generate leads and to keep prospects and customers engaged. It’s even more powerful when you’ve got visibility into how all those folks are consuming it as part of your go-to-market process with a platform like Variance.
Good luck!