A collection of book reviews, TILs, and interesting reads, including thoughts on universal basic income, AI, and the Player's Tribune.
It's been awhile since I did a Remainders posts so I figured I'd throw one together. In theory it's all the other stuff I didn't get a chance to blog about. In reality, it's pretty much everything I've been reading that isn't about mental models/frameworks (and even some of that). You can find previous versions filed under Remainders and, as always, if you enjoy the writing, please subscribe by email and pass around.
Let's start with some books. Here's what I've read in the last three months (in order of when they were read):
- Judas: How a Sister's Testimony Brought Down a Criminal Mastermind (Astrid Holleeder): Inspired by the New Yorker story by Patrick Radden Keefe about a Dutch woman who eventually testified about her mobster brother, I decided to dig into the English translation. It was a lot more difficult to read than I expected. The New Yorker story, because of length, isn't able to go into the extensive psychological abuse Holleeder's brother put his family through. I found it emotionally exhausting about two-thirds into the book.
- Countdown to Zero Day (Kim Zetter): As far as I know this is the definitive book on Stuxnet, the digital weapon that targeted the Iranian nuclear facility at Natanz.
- Complexity: A Guided Tour (Melanie Mitchell): Easily one of my favorite books of the year. I've read lots about complexity theory, but nothing that pulled all the various strings together so well. (This also helped send me down a deep physics rabbit hole that I've yet to emerge from.)
- My Holiday in North Korea: The Funniest/Worst Place on Earth (Wendy Simmons): I really loved the graphic novel Pyongyang and thought I'd give this travelogue a try when I saw it sitting on a shelf at the bookstore. It was a fine book to read alongside some of the heavier stuff I've been reading lately.
- Remote: Office Not Required (Jason Fried): This book sucked, but at least the Audible narration was slow enough that I could crank it up to 2x speed.
- Einstein 1905: The Standard of Genius (John S. Rigden): Like I said, I've been falling deeper into a physics rabbit hole, and as part of that I've been watching a bunch of physics and math lectures on YouTube. One of the ones I watched was Douglas Hofstadter essentially trying to recreate a talk he once saw the John Rigden, the author of this book, give in 2005. The book, and the talk, are about the ideas behind Einstein's five papers of 1905 (four of which are considered foundational in physics).
- The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds (Michael Lewis): I am almost embarrassed to admit I still haven't read Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow (it's on the list, I swear), so Michael Lewis on the relationship between Kahneman and Taversky is the next best thing. Related: Malcolm Gladwell interviewing Lewis about the book.
- Perfect Rigor: A Genius and the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century (Masha Gessen): Masha Gessen's biography (I guess you could call it that) of Grigori Perelman, the eccentric mathematician who solved the Poincare Conjecture (one of the seven Millenium Problems from the Clay Institute) and then disappeared.
- Jorge Luis Borges: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (Jorge Luis Borges): A long and fascinating conversation with Borges.
- Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone (Satya Nadella): Like just about everyone, I'm super impressed with everything Microsoft has done since promoting Nadella to CEO. Although this book promises to be about how it's all happening, it's about 75% a commercial for Microsoft's vision for the future (which although it could be right, is not particularly interesting or original).
- Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs (John Doerr): A mostly interesting read about the OKR (objectives and key results) goal setting system.
- A Brief History of Time (Stephen Hawking): If you find yourself in a physics rabbit hole, this seems like something worth reading ...
- Dreamtigers (Jorge Luis Borges): I read about this in the Borges interview book. He basically explained that his publisher asked for a book and so he collected a bunch of poems and stories that were sitting around his house and hadn't been published and stuck it together.
Okay, onto some other reading, etc. ...
This Wired piece about the possibility of a coming "AI cold war" has two particularly interesting strings in it: One is a fundamental question about the nature of technology and its relationship with democracy (put simply: is the internet better structured to support or defeat democratic ideals) and the other is about how China (and the US) will use 5G as a power play ("If you are a poor country that lacks the capacity to build your own data network, you’re going to feel loyalty to whoever helps lay the pipes at low cost. It will all seem uncomfortably close to the arms and security pacts that defined the Cold War.")
I've been fascinated by the mysterious attacks against Americans in Cuba since I read about them (probably over a year ago now).
I was excited to see the New Yorker finally dig in.
We've been having lots of trouble convincing our three-year-old to wear a coat in the cold.
Turns out its pretty normal.
The Chronicle of Higher Education asked a bunch of academics for their most influential
academic book of the last twenty years.
Lots of interesting things to read here.
This is from earlier in the year, but it's worth re-reading
Bruce Schneier's piece on securing elections. More recently he had a
good one on mobile phone security.
- Benoît Mandelbrot (of fractal fame) is apparently responsible (at least in part) for the introduction of passwords at IBM. From When Einstein Walked with Gödel (which I'm reading now), "When his son's high school teacher sought help for a computer class, Mandelbrot obliged, only to find that soon students all over Westchester County were tapping into IBM's computers by using his name. 'At that point, the computing center staff had to assign passwords,' he says. 'So I can boast-if that's the right term-of having been at the origin of the police intrusion that this change represented.'"
- Also from the same book, the low numerals are meant to be representative of the number of things they are. Since that makes no sense, here's the quote from the book: "Even Arabic numerals follow this logic: 1 is a single vertical bar; 2 and 3 began as two and three horizontal bars tied together for ease of writing."
- When you get helium super cold very strange stuff starts happening.
- A Rochester garbage plate "is your choice of cheeseburger, hamburger, Italian sausages, steak, chicken, white or red hots*, served on top of any combination of home fries, french fries, baked beans, and/or macaroni salad."
- There's a taxonomy of parking garage design (image below).
Barkley Marathons sound awful.
This hit close to home:
It took 200 years for them to start making brown point shoes for non-white ballet dancers ...
There's apparently
a big conversation going on in the machine learning community about whether ML is alchemy:
Rahimi believes contemporary machine learning models’ successes — which are mostly based on empirical methods — are plagued with the same issues as alchemy. The inner mechanisms of machine learning models are so complex and opaque that researchers often don’t understand why a machine learning model can output a particular response from a set of data inputs, aka the black box problem. Rahimi believes the lack of theoretical understanding or technical interpretability of machine learning models is cause for concern, especially if AI takes responsibility for critical decision-making.
This is
a park covered in spiderwebs:

Tangentially related, here's
how corporate America contributes to politics by industry:

The Article Group email list is
worth subscribing to.
Back issues here.
I loved this quote from philosopher
Daniel Dennet's talk on what he calls intelligent design (don't worry, it's not the same):
Stochastic terrorism is one of those ideas you read once and think about from then on ...
I don't know where I fall on this, but I found
Douglas Rushkoff's argument that universal basic income is a scam being put forward by technology companies fascinating:
Uber’s business plan, like that of so many other digital unicorns, is based on extracting all the value from the markets it enters. This ultimately means squeezing employees, customers, and suppliers alike in the name of continued growth. When people eventually become too poor to continue working as drivers or paying for rides, UBI supplies the required cash infusion for the business to keep operating.
Adam Davidson had
a good Twitter thread about "both-sidism" in political reporting.
Wired on "it's not a bug, it's a feature".
The changing landscape of business expenses:

It seems like one out of 100 Player's Tribune articles are amazing.
This one from former Clipper Darius Miles fits the bill.
I've been really enjoying
John Horgan's Scientific American blog "Cross-Check".
David Grann, who is probably my favorite author, snuck a book out without me knowing. Called
White Darkness, it appears to be
an expanded version of his New Yorker article about Antarctic explorers from earlier this year (one of my favorites).
Alright, I'm going to cut this here ... I'm only caught up to late October, so look out for a part two. Thanks for reading.