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July, 2013

Turning Your Router Off for 10 Seconds

The reason you should turn your router off for 10 seconds.
Lifehacker has an answer for why you need to turn your router off for 10 seconds:

A lot of modern technology contains capacitors! These are like energy buckets, little batteries that fill up when you put a current through them, and discharge otherwise. 10 seconds is the time it takes most capacitors to discharge enough for the electronics they're powering to stop working. That's why when you turn your PC off at the wall, things like an LED on your motherboard take a few seconds to disappear. You probably could wait a different time, but 10 seconds is the shortest time you can be sure everything's discharged.

I've always wondered about that ...
July 22, 2013
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.