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December, 2012

Sheer Malice: A Doctor's Take on Home Alone

A doctor's assessment of the injuries to the burglars in Home Alone.
More fun Christmasy stuff, this time it's from The Week and comes in the form of a doctor examining the true extent of the injuries to the burglars in Home Alone. I'm partial to his explanation of the effect of the burning-hot doorknob:
If this doorknob is glowing visibly red in the dark, it has been heated to about 751 degrees Fahrenheit, and Harry gives it a nice, strong, one- to two-second grip. By comparison, one second of contact with 155 degree water is enough to cause third degree burns. The temperature of that doorknob is not quite hot enough to cause Harry's hand to burst into flames, but it is not that far off... Assuming Harry doesn't lose the hand completely, he will almost certainly have other serious complications, including a high risk for infection and 'contracture' in which resulting scar tissue seriously limits the flexibility and movement of the hand, rendering it less than 100 percent useful. Kevin has moved from 'defending his house' into sheer malice, in my opinion.
[Via Consumerist]
December 24, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.