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May, 2012

Politically Correct

A discussion on the use of language by liberals and conservatives, including an interesting anecdote about science fiction in the Soviet Union.
Paul Krugman wrote an interesting little post on the use of language by liberals and conservatives over the last few years. His basic argument is that while conservatives complained of "political correctness" from liberals, they've now taken on the strategy to a frightening degree: "Thus, even talking about 'the wealthy' brings angry denunciations; we’re supposed to call them 'job creators'. Even talking about inequality is 'class warfare'." It's an interesting way to think about it, but it's not actually what I wanted to share. He ends the post with this story of how science fiction worked in the Soviet Union:
The author — if anyone remembers where this came from — noted that most science fiction is about one of two thoughts: “if only”, or “if this goes on”. Both were subversive, from the Soviet point of view: the first implied that things could be better, the second that there was something wrong with the way things are. So stories had to be written about “if only this goes on”, extolling the wonders of being wonderful Soviets.
May 29, 2012
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.