Clive Thompson's unexpected take on Instagram and its impact on photography and memory.
Clive Thompson, who I usually really dig,
has an unexpected (for me at least) take on Instagram. He likes it (which I also do), but specifically he thinks the filters encourage people to look at things with a more critical/artistic eye. Makes me think about a few things: 1) I think Thompson's point is true of photography generally. When people have a camera they look at everything as a possible photo and that changes the way things look. 2) It makes me think of Daniel Kahneman's research around
remembering self versus experiencing self and how Instagram encourages optimization around memory instead of experience and 3) My favorite comment about Instagram was from someone (can't remember whom), who said that the app makes everyone seem like they're living in this weird depressed state. I agree.
With all that said, I do like Instagram ... So take it all with a grain of salt.