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July, 2010

Lebron + Game Theory

A game theorist's analysis of LeBron James's decision and if it backfired.
Interesting analysis of Lebron's decision by a game theorist:
By allowing Bosh and Wade to make their decisions first, did LeBron possibly get himself into a situation where he ended up with a sub-optimal outcome? If so, it would certainly put that ESPN special in a whole new light - not just obnoxious, but possibly even counter-productive. By committing himself to a specific timetable - and remember, the demands of the ESPN show called for absolute secrecy regarding his decision - he gave Wade and Bosh a chance to both (1) move first and (2) have a little time to think through the strategic value of moving first. So in the end, the need for the King to play to the public may have led to the King himself getting played - surely not the first time in history this has happened!
He definitely misplayed that one ...
July 12, 2010
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.