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May, 2010

World Cup Comparisons

Comparing World Cup teams to US sports teams and the excitement for the tournament to begin.
I can't for the life of me remember where I found this or who sent it to me, but over at a blog called The Unlikely Fan someone has done an excellent comparison of the World Cup teams to US sports teams. Argentina, for instance, gets the Washington Redskins because "They've been good for about as long as the game has been played. They have so much history that your default expectation is for them to always be good, even great. But the reality doesn't support that: they haven't won anything in around twenty years." But the very best comparison is Japan = Gonzaga:
A team that has come to dominate its humble region the last couple decades or so. But they don't make a dent in the big dance, despite amazing hair.
I'm ready for the World Cup to get started. [Via Eric Sumberg]
May 21, 2010
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.