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May, 2010


Openbook exposes the public nature of Facebook posts.
While it feels like everyone in the world is talking about the whole Facebook privacy thing, my quick and informal survey of some non-internety folks came back with a bunch of blank stares. Anyway, Openbook does a better job explaining what's up than just about anything I've seen. Do a quick search for anything you imagine people wouldn't want made public about themselves and it comes back. It sort of reminds when AOL released a whole bunch of supposedly anonymized search data only to find out that it's really easy to track back to individuals. Only this time there's not even an attempt to make it anonymous. Now I get that people should have a better understanding of what they make public and all that jazz, but it's pretty easy to find some stuff that any person with half a conscience would hide away for the person who made it public. [Via The Awl]
May 19, 2010
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.