You have arrived at the web home of Noah Brier. This is mostly an archive of over a decade of blogging and other writing. You can read more about me or get in touch. If you want more recent writing of mine, most of that is at my BrXnd marketing x AI newsletter and Why Is This Interesting?, a daily email for the intellectually omnivorous.

November, 2007

Thanksgiving Bites

I'm just about to leave for my Thanksgiving vacation and I figured I should leave some links and such for those who have to work tomorrow. So, here's a grab-bag of thoughts, links and randomness.

  • The next likemind is November 30th (also the last of 2007). Be there or be square.
  • Russell Davies makes a great point about the beautiful future of marketing (aka a world where marketing becomes so targeted that it ceases being marketing). He points to the already existing world of blog outreach, and just how bad it can be, despite the unbelievable amount of personal info to work off. Russell explains, "what's both worse and more interesting is that the people who can be arsed to do a little bit of research send even more annoying and frustrating emails. They plunge into a kind of direct marketing uncanny valley where the more desperately they try to personalise their message the more I'm reminded that they're not really my friend. The more 'personal' information they utilise the more it freaks me out. (But again, not always, and maybe it's in the 'not always' where salvation lies, but I doubt it.)"
  • While the video isn't all that exciting, I really love Pentagram's use of blogging and video to promote themselves. Designers can be pretty smart.
  • My friend Joey Roth's gorgeous teapot is ready for preorder . . .

  • Can't remember whether I mentioned it or not, but RCRD LBL launched and it's pretty sweet. Go play around and download some good music.
  • I've been playing a lot with Tumblr and I have a whole post about niche blogging platforms in my head . . . just haven't gotten it out of there yet. Any thoughts?
  • I really want to move this site over to Wordpress (from Movable Type). Anyone have any experience with that? Tips for maintaining permalink structure? Or just know someone I could pay to do it for me?
  • If you have a BlackBerry, make sure to check out the Facebook application for it. It's the best-designed mobile app I've used (much better than either Gmail or Google Maps mobile) and makes me start to believe in Facebook again.

Okay, I think that's it for now. Will try to get back to somewhat regular posting at some point in the near future. Until then, have a great Thanksgiving.

November 20, 2007
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.