You have arrived at the web home of Noah Brier. This is mostly an archive of over a decade of blogging and other writing. You can read more about me or get in touch. If you want more recent writing of mine, most of that is at my BrXnd marketing x AI newsletter and Why Is This Interesting?, a daily email for the intellectually omnivorous.
Let me start out by pointing you to a few sites that I was inspired by:
1. In my opinion, this is about as good as a blog can get. I love how clean it is and how well laid out (except for how hard it is to get to the search bar).
2. Again, I love how clean this site is and how well thought through every piece is. It's simplicity at it's best.
3. SimpleBits: When it comes to CSS and design, this site is pretty much the cream of the crop in my opinion. Only shared with . . .
4. StopDesign: Maybe I should just change the name of my site to something that starts with the letter 'S'.
The inspiration included a lot more pages than that, but I think those are probably the big four. (I would also include Richard MacManus's article Web 2.0 For Designers and Tom Coates' Anyway, let me explain some of my thinking.
I think that's about it. I worked quite hard on the page and I'm pretty damn proud of it, so any feedback is greatly appreciated (even negative). I really think that it's well thought through and usable and I hope you feel the same way. Of course it looks best on Firefox/Safari (thank goodness for standards). If anyone runs across any issues in other browsers please let me know.
Finally, for those interested, here are the Movable Type plugins I used in creating this page:
- Archive Date Header: Handy little plugin that allows me to organize the archives by year and month.
- FilterCategories: Man did I search around a while for this one. This is what helps me create a Recommended Reading section by filtering out the recommended category whenever it appears (at least in theory).
- GetXML: Finally I'm displaying my bookmarks without javascript. All rejoice!
- MTEntryIfComments: This is how I keep the comment number centered in the big orange button. I have two different CSS classes depending on whether it's below 10 comments or above. Couldn't do it without it.
- MTSwtich: Quite possibly leave the best for last. This allows you to create an if/then statement for almost any attribute. That's why my comment boxes look different and also why "Recommended Reading" is it's own section.
I think that about covers. Hope you enjoy the new site and don't hesitate to let me know how you feel.
Update (6/1/05): Stupid me just realized GetXML only refreshes my bookmarks when I rebuild the site. Oops . . . Guess it's back to the drawing board, gonna have to find another answer to my displaying bookmarks problem.