You have arrived at the web home of Noah Brier. This is mostly an archive of over a decade of blogging and other writing. You can read more about me or get in touch. If you want more recent writing of mine, most of that is at my BrXnd marketing x AI newsletter and Why Is This Interesting?, a daily email for the intellectually omnivorous.

March, 2005

Tom Wolfe Catchphrase 1970's

I was looking at my page stats tonight and noticed a huge amount of searches for "tom wolfe catchphrase 1970's" and other combinations of those words. Now this is odd because I've only written one entry that even includes the name "Tom Wolfe". I've definitely never written anything about Tom Wolfe's catchphrases. In fact, I didn't know Tom Wolfe had catchphrases. (Is that blasphemous?)

Anyway, while browsing the stats a little more, I also noticed a disproportionately high number of referrals from Yahoo!. So I clicked on over to the ugly step-sister search engine (which, as a side note, has remained my homepage for about eight years) and searched for "tom wolfe catchphrase 1970's," only to find my site listed fifth. It's a link to my December archive and includes this summary:

December 31, 2004. New Years Best Wishes ... The holiday evolved during the 1970's, when the elder Mr ... Stewart, Al Franken and Tom Wolfe reflect on the race ... to that 'lifelong learning' catchphrase to which so many school ...
So my big question is what are all you Tom Wolfe fans looking for? Please do me a favor and clue me in using the comments. Maybe I can even help.

Thanks and best of luck finding that catchphrase you were looking for.

UPDATE: Turns out it was a New York Times crossword clue from March 18, 2005 (thanks Trubright!). So now for the big question: does anyone know the "Tome Wolfe catchphrase popularized in the 1970's?"

If you know the answer, please leave it in the comments. I will do my part and search for the answer. Also, if anyone knows how many letters it is, that would be helpful too. Thanks!

UPDATE 2: Thanks to Irene, we've gotten to the bottom of this problem. The answer is Radical Chic. Hope that helps!

March 20, 2005
Noah Brier | Thanks for reading. | Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk.